The largest market in the North

The World Bazar will be a covered market with 42,000 m2 of floor space. This will open up a world of products and create many new jobs and opportunities for residents in the region.

Discover the World Bazar and watch the impression video

Looking, buying, searching and finding make your day out a true shopping party.

This is how it's going to be

Information about the World Bazar

An indoor market with 42,000 m2 of floor space: a world of products within reach. From oriental herbs to kaftans, from nail salon to sewing studio. You will find shop after shop at this cozy market that has everything you need. More than 550 entrepreneurs are waiting for you with products and advice. You can also enjoy a snack or something tasty to eat in one of the ten catering establishments. From traditional Dutch to deliciously exotic, something for everyone. Coffee and tea for 1 euro. No entrance or parking fees, you can spend the money you would otherwise spend on entrance at the market. The project is therefore comparable to the ‘Eastern market’ of the (Beverwijkse) Bazaar. A leisure function. The market forces are the same, but in this project the emphasis will be on creating jobs and strengthening existing facilities. Status

Looking, buying, searching and finding make your day out a true shopping party. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Winschoten is a stone’s throw away and can be easily reached by shuttle buses, water taxi, on foot or by bicycle.

The money saved on entry can be spent on the market:

  • No entrance fee
  • No parking fees
  • Coffee and tea for 1 euro
  • Shuttle buses (e.g. return Groningen for 5 euros)

Create new jobs

There is a great need for both jobs and entertainment in the northeast of Groningen, which is why we wanted to locate the project in the municipality of Oldambt. The vacancies will be posted online on the site in the future.

Tourist recreational combination visit

The focus is on a half-day in Winschoten in combination with a half-day in Winschoter Wereldbazar; By actively directing the visitor storms that the World Bazar attracts into Winschoten through routing, you create a significantly reinforcing economic effect on the shopping center. The municipality of Oldambt offers housing to numerous artists and a variety of cultural activities. By organizing arrangements, a significant strengthening effect on these social and cultural facilities is achieved. Consider a half-day art, exhibition, glass blowing workshop, etc. in combination with a half-day covered market.